Friday, 1 April 2022

Source gathering trip to Italy (and first live paper presented in Siena!)

On commute to the Vatican library
I thought I'd write a short post of my source gathering trip few weeks ago. The trip focused on Italy, more precisely, to Rome, Florence and Siena. The original aim was to participate the final colloquium of the Lamemoli-project (Late Medieval and Early Modern Libraries 2017-2022) and present a paper there, but this trip grew to a full three week journey to various Italian libraries.

I spent the first week (20.2.-27.2.) in Rome, where I delved in the Vatican library. My aim was to finish my research on certain manuscripts, which was interrupted by covid-19 in February of 2020. I honestly got a lot of things done, measuring codices and counting quires. I even managed to inspect some new manuscripts such as Ott. Lat. 1440 and Ott. Lat. 1916, which are some later copies of Decades. The latter manuscript was especially fascinating, partly due to its huge size (430 x 240 mm, with over 400 leaves). Also in Rome I had the time to meet many friends, some residing in the Finnish Institute in Rome, and some were just conveniently on holiday in the Eternal City. 

Iter Gallicum - Source-gathering trip to France

For a long time I had been planning a source-gathering trip to France due to the fact that some manuscripts of Biondo's Decades were in...